
Halloween funny Facebook status ideas

Written By micky on Saturday, November 6, 2010 | 12:21 PM

Halloween is fast approaching, which means that you should already be collecting your Halloween funny Facebook status ideas! In true ‘trick or treat’ style, I’m going to give you a load of great statuses to put into your Facbeook statuses so that you can make your friends think, laugh or run in fear from your profile!

Halloween was a huge deal in my house, because my parents didn’t really get into the swing of Easter and Christmas. Halloween, however, (one of the most manufactured of all of the public holidays (except maybe Valentine’s day)) was a time when they really let their hair down (well actually my mother let her hair down, my Dad was bald) and partied.

funny-facebook-status2-300x283 They would send us off into town on trick or treat missions to get as much candy, chocolate, sweets and snacks from unsuspecting neighbours as possible – and then they would confiscate it from us when we got back (but they always left us enough time to gorge ourselves stupid and nearly die of sugar shock). Anyway…


Halloween is a time to get together, and I’m sure you’ll be spending even more time on Facebook chat with your friends, so let’s get down to the status updates and ideas, shall we?

Halloween funny Facebook status ideas

Funny Facebook status idea number one: Remix the traditional

Example: Eat, drink and be scary.

Playing on one of the most popular Christmas phrases of all time, this topical Facebook status can get people chuckling to themselves as they carve out their pumpkins for jack o’lanterns (or whatever other preparations they happen to be doing). Just make sure you’re not the one who they’re coming to give the frights to!

Funny Facebook status idea number two: Family values

Example: A grandmother pretends she doesn’t know who you are on Halloween.

There were always certain people who we knew would never give us any treats on Halloween night. One of those was an old man whose wife had died years before, and he seemed to get grumpier every day of his existence. One night we went to his house and knocked on the door – “TRICK OR TREAT?!”. He opened up and shouted “I’ve got a treat for your asses!” and ran out chasing us with a baseball bat! Needless to say, his windows got a good coat of egg later that night.


Funny Facebook status idea number three: Scent of an (evil) woman

Example: Ghosts, like ladies, never speak till spoke to.

Ladies, in this case, does not mean ‘the female of the species’ but more the ‘well refined women’ of the upper classes. What it means is, people who are haunted (and it seems people realize that they’re haunted a lot more around this time of year) usually are for a reason – and the reason is usually not a positive one!

Funny Facebook status idea number four: Haunting stuff

Example: They that are born on Halloween shall see more than other folk.

Is it true that people who are born on Halloween night are bound to become vessels for the thoughts and messages of the spirit world? Probably not. But it’s always good to remind people who are born on that day that they are probably evil to the core and haunted. The least it will do is annoy them!

Funny Facebook status idea number five: Get funky

Ok, it’s not perfect, but all of these symbols can, in some way, be related to Halloween and the different practices within it. The skull and crossbones is probably the best MSN symbol to use at this time of year to really get people in the mood for witchcraft and the black arts. Try them out!

Well, that’s all the Facebook statuses you need for Halloween and maybe beyond. If you can think of any other funny Facebook status ideas for Halloween, let us know in the comments!

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